Journals Import Data Utility Is Here!
If you are an up to date ProLaw back office client , I would recommend scheduling an install of the new Journals Import Data utility. Here are a few of my notes after reading the 2018.1 Data Portal User Guide, KB 143321:
1. Cash postings only as this time, accrual posting functionality later.
2. User security setup needs; change WIP (transactions), Checks (Journals), Add (Journals). This shouldn’t be a problem for accounting, but make sure troubleshooters have it, including IT and the Agent if working from there.
3. Portal Password is typically a never used this field under professionals, will probably need completed for everyone.
4. No comma separated values, the only delimiter it takes is pipe |
5. Dates must be in MM/DD/YYYY I guarantee it needs 01/01/2018 (include leading zeros).
6. Required journal fields; account no, invoice date, credit, Vendor, GL account, Debit.
7. Required transaction fields; mattered, component, price.
8. Units default to 1 if blank.
9. No task code checking.
10. Vendors are case sensitive.
11. Log files are built into the interface.
12. I think it’s a good idea to train to check log files every time, every import. This will prevent issues in the future, and an important troubleshooting step that should be performed every time.

The update I'm really looking forward to is the next update which will allow payroll import directly into Journals. I think it's worth setting up now for line item journal cost imports like itemized phone bills or Westlaw charges.
ProLaw development is doing a great job with these new tools. The message I heard from the ProLaw conference is these data import tool functionalities will continue to expand in the future; for matters, contacts, documents etc. Having import tools available should reduce administrative overhead and help law firms gain efficiency.