Matters that haven't been touched in 2 years
One of the challenges many firms face is how to accurately get active professional case counts for assigned attorneys. Matters go...

Matters Waiting Closeout - No Attorney Time
I love helping accounting folks and billing reviewers too. This was a recent request from one of my favorite firms. Can we flag all the...

New ProLaw Podcast - Custom Dockets, Matter & Docket Cleanup, & Professional Setup for Trans
Second podcast released today! Here are the topics I covered in today's podcast. Topics Covered Matter & Docket Clean Up Closed is...

Math Operators with Fields in Query
Did you know that you can use math operations inside of a query in ProLaw? Example: (Budget Fees > 0) and having ((Total Billed Fees +...

It's 2019. Have you updated your calendaring rules?
ProLaw does not update rules sets automatically via the web. It's a manual process. To check if your rules are being updated (screenshot...

ProLaw Querying; Never Use Brackets. Unless you get an error message.
In every query box in ProLaw, this concept holds true. Always, always, use parentheses and never brackets. Until you get the error...

XML Path Function Delimiters for ProLaw Data in Cascades
One of my favorite methods of extracting cascade information from ProLaw is using the XML PATH() function in SQL. The XML Path function...

I just want a report in Excel (ProLaw & SSRS).
If you've tried to write an SSRS report for ProLaw, and just wanted it to export directly to Excel and have the right column mapping,...

SQL Code for finding professionals assigned to default docket types
If you've ever tried to deactivate a prolaw professional and can't, check out the bottom left corner of the screen and see if you're...

Attorney Active Cases Query Trick w/Video Tutorial
One of the first questions I usually get is, "how can I see how many maters Barbara has open?". There area few ways to get this...