Journals Import Data Utility Is Here!
If you are an up to date ProLaw back office client , I would recommend scheduling an install of the new Journals Import Data utility. ...

Document Type Setup Tips & Tricks
New video posted with my strategies for setting up ProLaw document types using rules sets. Most Frequently Used Fields 1. Description...
Future Westlaw Dockets Missing Assigned Professional from Matters
Had an interesting problem recently, that I think is probably fairly common, especially if you do a lot of case reassignments in ProLaw...

ProLaw Conference and Additional Community Information Sources
Had a great time at Vantage NYC 2018. I'm looking forward to the upcoming software updates for ProLaw. Below is a link to all the...

ProLaw Events Report without Duplicates
If you are frustrated with duplicate events under events reporting, contact us for custom data sets and reports that have removed this...