I just want a report in Excel (ProLaw & SSRS).
If you've tried to write an SSRS report for ProLaw, and just wanted it to export directly to Excel and have the right column mapping,...

Document Type Setup Tips & Tricks
New video posted with my strategies for setting up ProLaw document types using rules sets. Most Frequently Used Fields 1. Description...

Who is marking dockets complete?
If you have events audit trail turned on you can use the SQL code below to create reporting metrics (last 30 days) on who, and how many,...

SQL Code for finding professionals assigned to default docket types
If you've ever tried to deactivate a prolaw professional and can't, check out the bottom left corner of the screen and see if you're...
Future Westlaw Dockets Missing Assigned Professional from Matters
Had an interesting problem recently, that I think is probably fairly common, especially if you do a lot of case reassignments in ProLaw...

Adding Assigned Professional Name to Event Reports
One of the first things I roll out with any new client using ProLaw Docketing is Daily Task Reports, and Past Due Task reports. One of...

ProLaw Conference and Additional Community Information Sources
Had a great time at Vantage NYC 2018. I'm looking forward to the upcoming software updates for ProLaw. Below is a link to all the...