ProLaw Front Office
The most efficient way to work is when the tools blend into your daily processes. When you can bill and work seamlessly, we've succeeded.
ProLaw front office has all of the basic needs of law firms covered:
- Contact Management; client contacts, conflict checking, opposing counsel tracking, vendor tracking, and the neat thing because it's all relational, you can cross reference cases by contact like judge or opposing counsel.
- Docketing management; with West Law legal calendaring rules, it changes the process of docket management. Take the guesswork out of docketing. Stay up to date. Don't get defaulted.
Document management; create consistency and maximize efficiency with systemic filing processes. Full text searching of documents. Forced folder structure, and templates with ProLaw driven data.
Reporting; the amount of data that is available to all ProLaw law firms by using ProLaw is staggering. Don't guess at your firm's metrics, maximize the data points from ProLaw.
ProLaw Back Office
Law firms need law firm accounting software. The best legal accounting software are the systems linked with front office.
Billing and time management is the heart of professional services. If we can't get paid timely for our work, we can't keep the doors open. It is possible to move data between systems like quick books, but what do you lose when you do that? Having your back office professionals integrated with your billing professionals is best. It should be the path of least resistance from timekeeper to bill generator to client. Instead of every client billing issue taking minutes or hours to investigate, put all your information in one place, where almost any professional familiar with the file can interface intelligently with clients. Couple the billing functions with all the standard but customizable charts of accounts and financial statements, ProLaw Back Office is a highly capable back office software product.
ProLaw One Office
Single application support and development is the path to success.
ProLaw really shines when both front and back office are implemented together. I firmly believe the most efficient system is the least complicated. When a law firm can focus all their training efforts into a single integrated system, that's when process and application efficiency is highest. Additional metrics can be added into daily reporting procedures like professional time tracking and docket to billing analysis reporting. You can also get better client metrics and be more responsive to client audit requests and insurer reporting requirements.
Application Integration & Platform Expansion
There is a lot to this product, and the support is excellent on the whole. They have US based support with real people you can build relationships with.
As important as the functionality today is, the functionality of tomorrow is just as important. I have been very pleased with the technical leadership ProLaw has shown. They have really laid the groundwork technically, to support emerging technologies in the future and maximize technologies of today. In addition to application integration with office products and adobe, the mobile app is coming along nicely, and I think the web based version of ProLaw will have practical uses soon.